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This page contains the instructions for setting up a free account and joining the Markoma community and meeting up with your former classmates.

1)  Go to the LiveJournal website and fill out the form to create a user ID.  

2)  Go to the LiveJournal login page and log in.

3)  Go to this page and under the heading "Community Information" the first sentence has a link to join the community.

4)  This is a moderated community, so your membership must be approved.  In most cases I expect this to take less than 24 hours.

5)  Go to the Markoma Community and join the fun!.  All members can post to the site and see who the other members of the community are.

6)  Thanks for joining!

In case you are wondering who I am, my name is Robert Campbell.  I graduated from Markoma in 1980.  My LiveJournal ID is timelord611.  Feel free to visit my personal website.