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Welcome to the website devoted to graduates of Markoma Bible Academy.

I was recently doing some searching on the web for a Markoma alumni site. I didn't find anything other than a couple of things on generic class reunion type sites, and the main purpose of those is to get you to part with your money. I decided that we needed a site for Markoma alums to use that was free. Since one did not exist, I decided to create one. This is it.

Let me apologize in advance for the advertisements that appear on the site. I availed myself of free tools, and the ads are the price.

The main thing I want to do here is to provide a place for Markoma alums to find each other. Those who wish can provide me with contact information, and I will post it here. I will also pass along any news anyone wishes to share with the other visitors. For those who wish it, I will maintain an e-mail list for passing along news.

If you are looking for someone who isn't listed on the site, let me know. I will attempt to track down that person and let them know about the site and that someone is looking for them. Also, if you know the whereabouts of someone who isn't listed on the site, invite them to contact me. The more folks we get here, the more fun and useful it will be.

What is Markoma Bible Academy? Well, technically, it should be "What was Markoma...." Markoma was a Christian high school located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. It was a boarding school, which meant that the bulk of the students lived on campus in dorms. Not only did we see each other in class, we lived and worked with each other.

Yes, I did say "worked." Markoma had a program which allowed students to work on campus about 14 hours a week to pay for room and board. This was a great idea. Not only did it give us some work experience, but it meant that attending Markoma was a lot cheaper than it would have been otherwise. I know that I would never have been able to attend without the work program.

I loved my time at Markoma, and still consider it to be one of the best experiences of my life.

I envision this site as a place where alums of Markoma can meet and renew old friendships.  In order to facilitate that, we need to be able to post some personal information, such as names and e-mail addresses.  I was unsure how to do this while protecting said information.  I decided to set up a Markoma community at  In this way, those who wish to participate can create a free account with LiveJournal and use that account to join the community.  That way, only registered members will have access to the other members' contact info.  For the link to LiveJournal and instructions on joining the group, see the services page on this site.